Commander Blue is brilliant at saving trees by recycling your old paper and card.
Around 80% of paper in the UK uses recycled paper!
For every tonne of recycled newspaper,we save 17 trees.
Professor Brown is the genius behind our brown garden waste bins.
The Professor can turn so much of your gardenwaste into an amazing compost for soil – helping us to grow new food and plants!
The Professor uses branches, flowers, grass, weeds, leaves, straw… and so much more!
Agent Grey keeps a close watch over all our plastic, glass and cans making sure they’re the right type of material and are squeaky clean before they get recycled!
Items for the grey bin sometimes like to sneak off into the burgundy bin, so Agent Grey keeps them in line.
Officer Burgundy is the final port of call for any of our waste.
If none of the other superheroes can take care of it, then Officer Burgundy is the person!
The Officer looks after things like food waste, nappies and plastic bags. He always makes sure first though that residents know about alternatives to throwing things in the bin such as using reusable carrier bags or freezing our excess food!