Now you know why it is important, what can you recycle?

Check out our A-Z lists on what you can put into your recycling bins at home here

  • Cardboard
  • Foil tray
  • Plastic bottle
  • Yogurt pot
  • Butter
  • Oorange
  • Educational Resources

    Our recycling partners SUEZ Recycling and Recovery UK have created free education resources designed to support STEM learning, enhance career aspirations and instil the values of reducing, reusing and recycling.

    The resources are designed to support STEM learning, enhance career aspirations and instil the values of reducing, reusing and recycling resources in young minds and are a key part of our Sustainable Development and Social Value programme. They comprise:

    Waste busterNational environmental education programme, with education centres and recycling reward programme to engage, inspire and empower children to make sustainable lifestyle choices.

    Think CansAn informative and interactive site about cans for children and teachers.

    Recycling pairs game  – Click on the cards to find matching pairs of items that can be recycled or turned into compost!