On the week beginning 19th April St Edward’s RC Primary School Darwen among other schools and community groups held an Earth Week.
The purpose of this week was to promote some of their new Eco initiatives and raise awareness of issues affecting our wonderful world.
Each class chose a topic to focus on for the week. Some of these were local issues such as recycling, litter and water and others on a more global scale such as deforestation and plastic pollution.
They launched their week with an assembly with our every own Environmental Education Officer Sally who spoke to them about the importance of recycling and what actually happens to our waste.
St Edwards then had a visit from Wayne and Koda who came to talk to them about their litter picking journey.
Each class made something new out of recycled materials including pictures, models and plant pots.
They also worked with local artist Belinda John to produce a sculpture inspired by the peregrine falcon monument in Darwen.
They made their interpretation out of recycled materials and then painted it.
It is now hung on their wall to remind them of their Earth Week and that we are all strong and resilient and we can achieve whatever we put our minds to!
“We loved making models and planting – some of our radishes have already started to grow!” -Year 2
“Earth Week was really fun because more people began to understand the job of the Eco Warriors.” – Year 5
“An amazing experience because it helped the children in our school learn more about local and global environmental problems.” – Year 6
Click here to watch what else St Edwards got up to in Earth Week